Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When I Was Lost In Moscow

Every summer my family spent our vacation in Moscow, Russia. Moscow was a huge city, and also famous for being the capital of the former USSR, now Russia. It was a business city, and had a lot of historical places you could see. Moscow was famous for the Red Square, the Kremlin, Lenin’s Mausoleum, and the metro station.
Red Square was the most visited place by tourists. The Red Square was made from red bricks, and the name translated to “beautiful” in old Russian. It was the center of the Soviet government, and the main entrance to the Kremlin. Another interesting place that attracted tourists was Lenin Mausoleum. Lenin was mummified in 1924. If you wanted to see him, you would need to stand in the long line, but luckily, it moved swiftly.
I was ten years old. .I was shy person and close to my parents. It was my first time visiting Moscow. My family and I liked spending our time in historical places to learn about the history. We went to see the State Tretyakov Gallery, the morning that the event happened. It was a beautiful morning, and everything was going well. I was amazed by Tretyakov Gallery. The Tretyakov Gallery was famous for its awesome art of landscapes, portraits and other painting , and also icons. It was interesting to see the artwork.

We entered into different halls, and spent six or seven hours looking at amazing art. Believe me, we could not see everything in one day, so we needed to go again. It was at lunchtime when we exited from the gallery. Our tour guide said, “We can get lunch now”. One man from our group suggested, we take the extra time to go see the Lenin’s Mausoleum and the Kremlin. If we did not go, it would have been like visiting New York, and not having seen the Statue of Liberty.
Everyone started pushing and shoving to get in line to see Lenin. You could never imagine how many people were in the Red Square at that time. You could easily get lost in the chaos. People split me from my parents, and pushed me to another side. My parents believed I was behind them. But in all this chaos, I was lost and alone. I could not find my parents. I was a little girl lost without my parents, without any money, in an unknown place. I did not know what I could do. I felt too shy at that moment, and did not ask anybody for help. The time approached evening hours. I waited hoping my parents would return to find me.
All at once, I heard whispering, “Where are they? Why are they not here?”
I turned around, and saw a tall, middle-aged man, dressed with a white shirt and jeans, walking back and forth. I shyly asked the man,
“Did you lose somebody?” He looked at me and surprised said,
“Yes, my children. They were going to see Lenin in Mausoleum, and I lost them in this chaos.” I plucked up courage, and I said to the man, “You know, I lost my family too. I am in the same situation.” One second later, I asked him, “Do you have five pennies for metro station? I want to go to my hotel.” He said, “Yes, of course.” He put five pennies in my hand. I was so happy; I could go back to my hotel. These five pennies for me were like five million dollars!
Thank God, the metro station was behind me. I ran to the metro, put five pennies in the ticket gate, sat on my train, and after forty minutes, I was at the hotel.
I walked into the hotel lobby, and waited. Half an hour passed. Through the big hotel window, I saw my parents coming into the hotel. I saw my mother crying. When she saw me, she said, “Thank God, you are found and fine!” They had reported me “lost” to the police station. That event changed me from a shy person, gave me courage, and helped me in my life to know, if you have difficult situations, you can find solutions with some courage.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Interviewing my classmate

I was interviewing my classmate, Danielle Hernandez, who is a freshman, and full-time student at Oxnard College.
In spit of her age, as she is only 18 years old, she is a shooting guard on the girl’s basketball team. Danielle has a busy schedule, and she has a job at “Ventura Sports Zone Imaging”, where she is an “on call” worker.
She lives with her parents, older brother and sister, and their three dogs.
When I asked her who motivated her to attend college, she said, “My parents, because they did not have the possibility to get an education, and they could not graduate from a high school. My parents inspired me to come and study at Oxnard College. They wanted to see me educated. It is a big step for my family and me.”
Danielle is very close with her family and grandparents. For her, her mother is a role model in her life.
In her school schedule, she is taking English and Art Appreciation on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and basketball on Fridays.
She has only weekends when she can rest at home, spend her time with friends, going to the cinema or malls. Sometimes she and her best friends like to meet at each other’s houses to spend time together.
When I asked her, “Can you describe your self in three words”; She said with smile, “I am silly, amusing and athletic. I am goofy, and always laughing which make me amusing. I like to play basketball because I am athletic.”
Danielle is a very friendly, trusting girl, she likes to consider herself as a very understanding and self-critical person .In the future, she wants to see herself married, with family, be healthy, successful and financially stable. She said, “To be successful in the school, I have my philosophy, get what you need to be done, so you have time to do what you want.”
Danielle stated she likes to take classes in Oxnard College because the college is not crowded and they have a basketball team. She likes the fact, that, college is more independent than high school. She likes the independents of preparing her homework in college, but she did not have the same opportunity in high school.
She hopes that in the future, maybe, Oxnard College classes will be improved, so that fewer students would drop out.
In closing quote she stated, “I shall always make time to make someone laugh or smile, because laugh and smiles give me energy for others”.
I loved interviewing Danielle; She was very warm and friendly. She is a bright and energetic yang lady, and I hope she fullfills all of her dreams.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Text messages

Text messages are a part of everyday life for millions of people. People are using messaging for some reasons; however sometimes it can be a problem. For some of them, it is a way in which they can support boyfriend or girlfriend relationships.
For others, it is a possibility when they can communicate if they are not able to talk face to face.
People are using messaging because it makes their life easier, and it is a perfect method to connect with friends, or family without interrupting their work or company.
Sometimes it becomes an addiction for more people. It is a big distraction when they drive. They put themselves and people at risk at this moment.
In addition, it is a distraction for children too. They sending or reading messages during their classes, even if the teacher forbids it.
Using text messaging today is the fast and cheapest way to communicate and we can use it responsibly. In normal situations, it does not hurt us.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Reality TV

Millions of people in the world are watching reality shows. I am not an exception. I watch them, when I have time.
First they are entertaining and pleasing to me (some of them), because these shows create amusement by the participants’ ridiculous behaviors. This is funny to discuss with family or friends.
I like many shows: “Dancing with the Stars,” American Idol and “Iron Chef”. I started to watch “Iron Chef” when Mario Batali signed his book to me.
“Dancing with the stars” is an interesting and colorful show. You can learn to dance by yourself from professional dancers. You can see your favorite stars, nice dresses and finally, you can get a wonderful spirit.
With “American Idol”, you can enjoy seeing people who come to this show to get their success, and this show gives them the chance to be famous.
In “Iron Chef”, I love to see when chefs challenge each other. It is surprising that they can make five dishes just in one hour! It is interesting to see how quickly it does.
I avoid shows showing force, aggression, abuse when you hear swearwords, see immoral behavior. I was surprised, when I read the article that says, most people show interest in these types of shows. I really did not understand why….Maybe aggression stimulates them. These shows send a wrong message to people. We have some shows on TV they show negative effects on children and teenagers. They are learning bad things from some of the shows.
I think, the good shows are only for the benefits of people. People find something useful to themselves by watching. Sometimes reality shows help people forget there real-life problems. They can get a good spirit after the show.
Some people see participants in the show .It makes them exited. Some of them than decide to go and to participate in these shows. It is the chance to be famous or win money.
I understand that reality TV shows are inexpensive productions, producers make more money, and these shows are cheaper than producing a film.
It is a fact ,reality television has been constantly on the rise, and every day millions of Americans watch their favorite television shows and they don’t know if it is good for them or not.